The people who buy the stocks in a company are called the company’s shareholders. When you think of shareholders, you may think of common shareholders who buy the company’s stock in the open market. Magar inn retail investors ke alava bhi dusre shareholders hote Hain. These other shareholders may be more important in terms of their ability to influence market movements than the retail investors.
In this podcast, we will look at the different types of shareholders that a publicly traded company has. We will look at the implications that the shareholding patterns have for potential investors. Having shares in a company gives you voting rights that you can exercise when the company is faced with an important decision. Let's look at 3 decisions that shareholders can influence with their votes. This will help us appreciate the importance of looking into the shareholding pattern behind a company before investing in it.
A shareholder can vote on whether or not the company should expand into a new market.
A shareholder can also possibly vote on changing a company’s management style.
Then the company may open the question of rolling out a new item or service to the shareholders before making the call.
These decisions will have an important impact on the future fortunes of the company. Shareholding pattern dekhkar aapko yah to pata lag sakta hai ki aise questions per kaun si parties ka influence rahega.
There are two fundamental types of shareholders: promoter groups, and non-promoter groups.
The people who have been involved in founding the company, and the people who have been involved in getting it off the ground in the early days, are part of the promoter group. Promoter group ke alava outside investors bhi hote hain.
These outside investors can be institutional investors like banks, mutual funds, hedge funds, insurance companies, pension funds, domestic and foreign investors et cetera. The outside investors can also be retail investors like day traders and individual value investors.
According to SEBI regulations, a company must at least have 25% non-promoter investors. All these outside investors are part of the non-promoter group.
Publicly traded companies are legally obliged to reveal their shareholding patterns. You can check the shareholding pattern of a company that looking to invest in, on the websites of the index that it’s listed on. Most companies are listed on either the National stock exchange, or the Bombay stock exchange.
The shareholding pattern of companies keeps changing. If a big outside investor comes in, then the share of the non promoter group will increase. A big outside investor recently taking stakes in a company also means that the company's stock value may be about to rise.
However, agar promoter group mein se koi important actors apne hi company ke shares market se buyback kar rahe hain, then that could also mean that the stock prices are about to increase. The promoter group knows that the company is about to roll out a new product or expand to a new market, and that will result in a jump in its valuation.
Buying back your own stock also reduces the number of stocks which are available in the market, thereby driving up the stocks value. Therefore, if you noticed either of these two behaviours: that is, an insider buying back shares from the market, or a big outside investor taking a substantial stake in the company, then you can assume that the value of the stock could go up.
However it is not guaranteed that that will be the case.
Therefore, you need to do other research before acting on this information. It’s possible for shareholding patterns to even be locked to a certain degree. This is because certain shareholders are not allowed to liquidate their positions before a particular period is over. Employees, who get equity options, are among such shareholders. Aap research karte waqt koii bhi publicly traded company ka share holding pattern dekhenge, toh aapko dikhega ki kuchh players ka share percentage constant rahata hai. These players might have lock-in shares which could have frozen their ownership till a particular period is up.
Humne pahle discuss Kiya ki shareholders ko voting rights milte Hain. Because of this reason, some companies delay getting their initial public offering. An initial public offering can be very good for a company as they can raise outside funds to fuel their future expansion.
However, agar koi bada outside shareholder aata hai, to vo apne voting rights use karke company ka direction bhi badal sakta hai. These are called aggressive takeovers. Kuchh companies isliye IPO karne mein thoda delay karti hai because they want to cement the identity of the company before letting in outside influence.
चलिए, एंजेल वन की तरफ से आपको आज के अलविदा. ये podcast शेयर करना ना भूलियेगा - याद रखियेगा की ज्ञान बाटने से बढ़ता है । और फिर अंत में तोह financial markets एक ऐसी university है जिसमे कोई professor नहीं, सब students ही है ।