Angel One Super App
One platform for investing and trading in equities, mutual funds and more
Say goodbye to the old and step into the SUPER era of investing and trading. Experience transformative investing that combines cutting-edge technology and unmatched speed to revolutionise how you invest.
With super simplicity, you can easily navigate the complexities of the market using our all-in-one SUPER app, covering Indian stocks, US stocks, IPOs, mutual funds, commodities, futures, and options. Trusted by over 1.5 crore Indians and built on two decades of expertise, we're making investing super for everyone.
Ready to join the super revolution? Download the #AngelOneSuperApp now!
Why Choose Angel One Super App?

Witness the Dawn of a Super Investing Era!
Our brand film encapsulates the transformative shift from outdated, glitchy investing apps to the super-efficient, user-friendly #AngelOneSuperApp. It's more than a revolution, it's a super evolution!

Embrace the Future of Investing with #AngelOneSuperApp
Angel One's #AngelOneSuperApp empowers you to diversify your portfolio like a super pro. Be it Stocks, Mutual Funds, ETFs, US Stocks, Currencies, Commodities, Futures & Options, or Bonds - find them all in one Super App!

The different types of orders that can be placed via Angel One trading Apps are:-
- Limit Order
- Market Order
- GTT Order
- Stop Loss Order

Different Option chain features that are available on Angel One’s Trading App are:
- Angel One’s trading App shows both Call & Put options data in a single fold. The user can filter for “Only Call”, “Only Put” & “Both call & Put”
- For every strike price Angel One shows LTP, LTP change, OI, OI Change%, Price change, Volume, IV, Delta, Theta, Vega, and Gamma.
- The user can choose the option data for any available expiry (Near month or far month expiry)

Different features that are available on Angel One’s Trading App are:
- Charts, Option chain, multiple watchlists, View Portfolio, order placement, Open position.
- Stock picks by Angel One advisory.
- External service provided by smallcase, Sensibull, Vested & Streak.
- Access Angel One’s learning center as per your investment persona