What are Large-Cap Stocks? Features and Drawbacks

Explore large-cap stocks in India - stable, low-risk investments for your portfolio. Learn about their features, advantages, and more.

In the stock market, the stocks are typically categorised according to their market capitalisation, which are large-cap, mid-cap, and small-cap. Everyone interested in the stock market should learn about the different categories of market cap to understand a stock better. In this article, learn about large-cap stocks in detail. 

Market Capitalisation and Its Categories

Market capitalisation, which is also known as market cap, is the total value of a publicly listed company’s outstanding shares of stock. It is calculated by multiplying the stock’s current market price with the total number of outstanding shares of the company.

For example, if a company has 1,000 shares currently trading at ₹50 per share, its market capitalisation would be ₹50,000 (1,000 shares x ₹50 per share).

As per SEBI’s rules, all companies on the stock exchanges are ranked according to their market cap. The companies are classified into three different categories – Large-Cap, Mid-Cap and Small-Cap. 

Category Rank on the Stock Exchange
Large-Cap Top 100 
Mid-Cap 101 – 250
Small-Cap From 251 onwards


What Are Large-Cap Stocks?

Large-cap stocks are companies ranked 1 to 100 based on their market capitalisation. These are stocks of well-established companies that have a dominant market share. Based on the market cap, SEBI identifies 100 large-cap businesses and ranks them on the stock exchanges from 1 to 100. Many large-cap stocks pay regular dividends and are suitable for investors looking for passive income.

For example, as of November 6, 2023, Reliance Industries Ltd is ranked 1 based on its market cap, which makes it one of the largest companies by market cap.

Feature of Large-Cap Stocks


These companies are well-established and financially stable with an extensive supply chain network. They remain consistent during economic cycles.

Better analytics:

Large-cap firms have robust balance sheets and publish their financial details periodically. Investors can assess these reports to analyse investment decisions.


Large-cap companies are in the business for a longer time. Investors have more data available on their actions and financial activities.

Preferred by asset managers:

To balance risk exposure and improve returns, mutual fund managers prefer to invest in large-cap stocks. These stocks have higher liquidity and trade regularly on the bourses.

Income generation:

Many investors prefer large-cap stocks because they are relatively stable compared to mid and small-caps. Some large-cap companies pay regular dividends, creating passive income for investors.


Compared to mid-cap or small-cap stocks, large-cap stocks are costly because they are more discoverable and enjoy higher demands.

How To Evaluate Large-Cap Stocks?

The large-cap company category consists of various businesses, some of which have made it to large-cap from small-cap, while others have established themselves as large-cap from the beginning. But a common factor is that all these companies have remained in the industry for a long time and maintained trackable records. All these companies have:

  • Visible competitive edge
  • Strong brand recognition
  • Proven leadership
  • Performance record

Who Should Invest in Large-Cap Stocks?

Large-cap stocks can help investors add stability, diversification, and liquidity to their portfolios. You can choose these stocks if:

  • If you have an investment horizon of 5 years or more and prefer low volatility.
  • If volatile growth stocks dominate your investment portfolio, adding a few stable large-cap stocks can give some balance. 
  • If you are a first-time investor. These stocks are easily discoverable, stable, and comparatively low-risk than mid-cap and small-cap shares. 
  • If you want to earn a steady income from your investment, you can consider buying large-cap stocks that pay regular dividends.

Why Should You Invest in Large-Cap Stocks?

The following justifies the inclusion of large-cap stocks in your investment portfolio:

  • Stability: Large-cap stocks are frequently linked with well-established, financially sound companies. Their large market position and track record help to provide greater stability than smaller competitors. This consistency may build confidence in investors, making large-cap companies a solid investment, especially during market downturns.
  • A Consistent Income Flow: Large-cap stocks often provide a regular distribution of dividends. These established companies, consistently generating profits, are more likely to share their earnings with shareholders through dividends. For investors focused on income, large-cap stocks can serve as a dependable and predictable source of regular income, making them attractive to those incorporating dividends into their investment strategy.
  • Information Accessibility: Analysts and financial media often cover large-cap firms extensively. Investors may choose from a wealth of information provided by this comprehensive coverage. Accessible and transparent data enables investors to do in-depth research and analysis before making investment decisions, leading to a more intelligent and well-considered investment plan.

Advantages and Drawbacks of Large-Cap Stocks

Advantage  Drawbacks
You can diversify your portfolio across industries. Although these companies are stable, they take more time to rebound during economic uptrends unlike mid-cap and small-cap businesses.
These companies enjoy dominant positions in the market and are usually low in debt. These stocks are more suitable for short-term investments.
They have high liquidity; trade daily on the bourses. Mid and small-cap stocks generate higher returns against higher risk than large-cap stocks.

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Alternative Options to Large-Cap Stocks

  • Mid-Cap Stocks: Investing in mid-cap stocks involves companies with a market capitalisation between large and small caps. Mid-caps offer a balance between growth potential and risk, as they are often in the expansion phase. While riskier than large-caps, mid-caps can provide higher returns and growth opportunities.
  • ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds): ETFs are investment funds that track an index, commodity, or basket of assets. They offer diversification, low costs, and the flexibility of trading on the stock exchange. ETFs focus on various industries, themes, or asset classes, offering investors various options.
  • Multibagger Stocks: Multibagger stocks are equities that have the capacity to generate considerable returns over a prolonged period. Investors often pursue these stocks because of strong fundamentals, growth potential, and the possibility of significant capital appreciation. However, they come with increased risk, and comprehensive research is crucial before considering their inclusion in a portfolio.
  • Equity Funds: Equity mutual funds aggregate funds from numerous investors to invest in a varied stock portfolio. They can be actively or passively managed. Equity funds deliver diversification and professional management. They are suitable for investors seeking stock exposure without the direct management of their portfolios.


Before picking any stock, understand your investment objective and risk appetite. Talk to your financial advisor and research well about each stock. For more investment topics, keep following Angel One’s website. If you plan to invest in large-cap stocks, open a Demat Account on Angel One for free and start exploring.


What are large-cap stocks in India?

The first 100 companies ranked as per market capitalisation by the stock exchanges of India are known as large-cap stocks in India. Large-cap stocks have a market cap of more than Rs. 20,000 crore in the Indian stock exchange.

How much should I invest in large-cap stocks?

Your investment in large-cap stocks may depend on multiple factors such as income, age, investment goals, and time period. As large-cap stocks are stable and relatively less risky compared to small and mid-cap companies, they can offer some stability to your portfolio.

Are large-cap stocks risky?

Large-cap stocks are just like any other equity instrument. They are also susceptible to market fluctuations. However, due to a strong business model, a larger market share, and other vital factors, large-cap stocks are relatively less risky compared to mid and small-cap stocks.

What is large-cap and mid-cap in the stock market?

Large-cap stocks are the first 100 companies ranked as per Indian stock exchanges’ market capitalisation. While the mid-cap stocks are ranked from 101 to 150 on the exchanges.

What are the largest Indian companies by market cap?

As of November 6, 2023, the largest Indian companies as per the market cap, are Reliance Industries Ltd, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, HDFC Bank Ltd and many more. You can visit the Stocks page on Angel One and filter the stocks by large-cap to get the large-cap stocks list.

Are large-cap stocks good for the long term?

Large-cap shares are frequently seen as reliable long-term investments. They provide stability and dependability due to the established nature of the companies they represent. Large-cap stocks often provide dividends, contributing to long-term income. Their market leadership and dominance contribute to sustained growth. Moreover, their liquidity and accessibility make them attractive for investors seeking stability and ease of management in their long-term investment portfolios.

When should I invest in a large cap?

Invest in large-cap stocks during market stability or recovery for lower volatility. Favorable economic conditions and growth phases can enhance their potential. Large caps are suitable for income-focused investors due to consistent dividends. Including them in a diversified portfolio provides stability, and their liquidity makes them accessible.