The Difference Between Warrants and Calls

5 mins read
by Angel One

To understand what Warrants and Calls are and their difference, let’s first understand Options.

What are the options?

Options such as Warrant and Call allow an investor to invest in a stock, bond, or asset without actually owning any of it. These options protect against market volatility while also speculating on the value of the underlying investment or asset. Both a warrant and a call are types of contracts usually referred to as security contracts.

A lawful contract between an investor and a contract seller, such as a bank, lets the investor purchase or sell an asset, stock, or bond at a future date. Nonetheless, an investor is not obligated to buy the underlying security.

Options are a fantastic method to invest and speculate without taking on a lot of risks.

What are warrant options?

A warrant is a sort of options contract that permits an investor to purchase or sell a secured asset or shares at any moment throughout the contract’s duration. Various countries have different laws and regulations.

One of the most important differences between a warrant and a call option is that warrants are issued by firms and exchanged over the counter, whereas call options are issued by third parties such as banks.

Warrant Options as an Example

Take a look at a warrant option offered by Company A. The stock of business A is valued at Rs 50. The Warrant Option has a value of Rs 10. Company A’s Warrant option has a one-year expiration date. The Warrant Contract’s price would rise and decrease in accordance with the cost of stock A.

If the stock price increases, the value of the warrant contract grows with it, and if the stock price falls below Rs 50, the warrant contract is worthless. The warrant option should only be purchased if you feel the company can develop in the future.

The different types of call options?

Calls are similar to options contracts in that they allow the investor to purchase the security highlighted in the options contract at a future date specified in the options contract.

When investors feel that assets’ price will rise and want to protect themselves from market gains, they utilise the call option contract.

A call contract example

Let’s use Company A as an example and refer to its stock as Stock A. However, instead of employing the put options contract, the investor employs the call option contract. The investor is acting in this manner because he expects Stock A’s price will grow in the future. He predicts that the cost of Stock A will increase from Rs 100-150. As a result, the investor purchases a Rs 10 option call contract.

The future data has arrived, and the price is precisely what the investor expected, resulting in a Rs 40 profit for the investment.

If the price of Stock A went in the other direction than the investor expected, the investor would only be liable for Rs 10 rather than a loss of Rs 50 if the stock had been purchased outright.

Similarities between Warrant and Call

The warrant and call options have many similarities.

  • The investor can acquire the asset stated in the contract at a preset price in the future using a warrant or call.
  • Both contracts frequently have lengthier expiration dates.
  • Both forms of contracts include premiums that must be paid.

Differences between Warrant and Call

The warrant and call options have distinctions between them.

  • The exercise price of a Warrant contract is known as the exercise price, whereas the striking price for a call option is known as the strike price. Both are similar in nature, yet the phrases used to describe them are different.
  • The corporations issued the warrants, while third parties issued the calls.
  • Calls are exchanged on the stock market, whereas warrants are traded over the counter (OTC).
  • Calls have a short expiry date, whereas warrants have a lengthy one. Warrants can be issued for up to five years.
  • When warrant contracts are exercised, the company’s stock is diluted, but the stock is not diluted when call options are executed.
  • Although naked warrants can be issued on their own, they are most commonly issued in connection with an underlying asset. Without an underlying asset, options are routinely issued.
  • Warrants do not have the same level of liquidity as options. With hedging and trading tactics, options may be widely shorted, purchased, and written.

Price Influence

A number of variables influence the price warrants and Call contract.

The same factors determine the pricing of warrants and calls contracts.

  • The stock price heavily influences the price of the warrant and call contracts. If the contract writer believes the stock price will climb, it is quite likely. The contact writer will charge more for it.
  • If interest rates are high, the contract’s pricing will be higher as well.
  • The higher the contract’s price, the longer the contract will last.
  • The bigger the volatility in the underlying stock price, the higher the contract’s price.

Tax Regulations

Because call options are compensatory in nature, they are subject to a variety of tax rules. Because warrants are not compensatory in nature, they are subject to standard taxation.

What Are the Principles?

Options trading is based on the concepts of futures markets, whereas warrants are based on the principles of cash markets. Warrants, unlike options, cannot be shorted. Furthermore, options contain margin calls, but the warrant does not. As a result, a call option may be purchased or sold, and numerous tactics can be used to benefit from them.


Both of these tools allow investors to profit from stock without buying it. However, before opting for a stock option or warrant, one should be aware of the benefits and drawbacks as well as the amount of risk involved. Following that, an investor must assess an acceptable amount of risk and make a decision based on that. Also, an investor must examine their investment time horizon: a call option is for a short-term investment, whereas warrants are for a long-term investment.