Muhurat Trading Session: 12-Nov

The time of Diwali is important for all investors and traders in the share market. Traders have participated in the customary Muhurat trading on Diwali for many years. A Muhurat is a particular time or moment that is auspicious, and traders try to make trades during this window for a great trading year ahead.  

In keeping with the tradition of Diwali, the Muhurat Trading Session this year for Equity, F&O, Currency, and Commodity trading will be held on Sunday, 12-Nov-23. 

SegmentMarket scheduleStart timeEnd time

Block deal session5:45 pm6:00 pm
Pre-open*6:00 pm6:08 pm
Normal market6:15 pm7:15 pm
Call auction illiquid session*6:20 pm7:05 pm
Closing session7:25 pm7:35 pm
Trade modification cut-off time6:15 pm7:45 pm
Derivatives (F&O, Currency, Commodity)Normal market6:15 pm7:15 pm

* Random closure in the last one minute

Timer-based square-off for Muhurat Trading
ExchangeProduct typeTiming
NSEBracket7:00 pm
BSEBracket7:00 pm
NSE CashIntraday7:01 pm
BSE CashIntraday7:01 pm
NSE F&OIntraday7:04 pm
CDSIntraday7:04 pm
MCXIntraday7:05 pm

Please refer to circulars for more information on NSE (Equity & F&O), BSE, CDS, & MCX.

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