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This agreement provides for the terms and conditions for the use of this Application. This Application provides for trading of securities on the relevant exchanges. With this the app also provides Market news, Market depth, Trends and other market information

By Downloading, installing or using this application you agree to following terms and conditions:

  1. you accept these terms and conditions (terms of use) subject to which use of the Application is permitted and you agree to remain bound thereby;
  2. you agree that Angel Securities Limited (ASL) may update the Application to newer versions and/or vary the terms of use from time to time and use of any version shall imply that you have agreed to the terms of use in force at the relevant time;
  3. you declare that you are of the age of majority under the laws of your jurisdiction to enter into this agreement;
  4. you agree that use of any services, utilities, or features of this Application is subject to all applicable laws, bye-laws, rules, regulations, guidelines, circulars, and orders of competent authorities subject to which use of such services etc., are regulated or governed and you are aware of the same as if the same are herein incorporated by reference;
  5. you agree to furnish accurate, truthful and complete personal information in the user registration form, in case you are not an existing trading client of ASL, and to keep the information updated in case of any change therein;
  6. you acknowledge and agree that breach of clause (5) above shall immediately disentitle you to the use Application;
  7. you agree that ASL provides the Services on an "as is," "with all faults" and "as available" basis. All warranties including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, are disclaimed and excluded;
  8. you declare and agree that ASL shall not be liable, at any time for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special or consequential damages including, without limitation, damages for loss of business, damage to hardware or loss of profits, loss of data or profits, whether arising in contract, tort or otherwise arising out of or in any way connected with the use of the Application, with the delay or inability to use the Applications or Services, or due to use of the contents available in the Application or for any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communications line failure, or due to use of information contained in the Application;
  9. you accept and agree that ASL makes no representations, warranties or guarantees whatsoever as respects the (a) accuracy, adequacy, reliability, completeness, suitability or applicability of the information disclosed in the Application to a particular situation; (b) that the Services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free; (c) the quality of any services, content, information, or other material in the Application will meet your expectations or requirements; or (d) any errors in the Application will be corrected;
  10. you understand and agree that the hyperlinks to third-party websites, embedded in the Application are independent of ASL, in the public domain and ASL does not have any control over those websites, their content or usages. ASL accepts no responsibility or of any application, resources or utility provided by such third party websites;
  11. you agree that, unless otherwise stated, copyright and all intellectual property rights in all material presented in the Application and in the web pages of ASL to which you are given access from the Application, including but not limited to text, audio, video or graphical images, trademarks and logos are the property of ASL or of its group concerns and are protected under applicable Indian laws and you agree not to use any framing techniques to enclose any trademark or logo or other proprietary information of ASL or remove, conceal or obliterate any copyright or other proprietary notice or any credit-line or date-line or other mark or source identifier therein, including without limitation, the size, color, location or style of all proprietary marks;
  12. you agree and understand that any infringement or breach of clause (13) above shall be vigorously defended and pursued to the fullest extent permitted by law;
  13. As a pre-condition for the use of the Application, you agree that you shall not-
    • use the Application or any services or utility therein for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms or by any law, bye-law, rule or regulations,
    • use the Application in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair any ASL server, or the network(s) connected to any ASL server, or interfere with any other person’s use and enjoyment of any services provided by ASL,
    • delete from the Application any legal notices, disclaimers, or proprietary notices such as copyright or trademark symbols, or modify any logos or any content of the Application or of the web pages to which you may gain access from the Application,
    • use the Application /Services in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair or undertake any action which is harmful or potentially harmful to any servers, network(s), computer systems/resources of ASL,
    • use the Application in any manner that could adversely interfere with any other party’s use of the Application /Services,
    • by any means obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information which are not intended to be made available to users of the Application,
    • forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any content transmitted through the Application,
    • collect or attempt to collect, using the Application, personally identifiable information of any person or entity without their express written consent,
    • host, display, upload, modify, publish, transmit, update or share any information on Site that belongs to another person and to which you do not have any right,
    • infringes any patent, trademark, copyright or other proprietary rights pertaining to any material in the Application, or violate any law for the time being in force using the Application directly or indirectly,
  14. you agree that, in the event of you breaching any of the terms herein, ASL has the right to immediately terminate/block your access without any prior intimation to the Application,
  15. you agree that ASL reserves the right to refuse service, restrict, suspend your access to the Application, delete, move, or remove any content that is available in or through the Application; establish general practices and limits concerning use of the Application at any time with or without any prior notice,
  16. you agree that if you carry out trades on any Stock Exchange on the internet trading platform using links embedded in the Application, all terms and conditions of your agreement with ASL and the Rules, Bye-laws, Regulations, circulars and guidelines of the competent authorities shall be applicable to such trades,
  17. Indemnity: you agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless ASL, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against all claims and expenses arising out of the breach of any of the terms by you or due to your use/misuse of the Application.
  18. General:

    By Downloading, installing or using this application you agree, understand and acknowledge -

    • that any personal information identifying you ("Personal Information") if required is asked for explicitly in the relevant page in the Application. Personal Information is used to operate the Application, and may occasionally be used to inform you of new features, services, and products from those offered by ASL. ASL reserves the right to disclose any information it is required to be shared, disclosed or made available to any governmental, administrative, regulatory or judicial authority under any applicable law or regulation or for the purpose or in relation to any investigation into alleged fraud, intellectual property infringement, piracy, or other unlawful activity;
    • that all complaints, abuse or concerns with regards to content and or comment or breach of these terms shall be immediately informed via the contact us section of the Application;
    • that the agreement shall be governed by the laws of India. The courts of law at Mumbai shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes arising under this agreement;
    • that any cause of action arising out of or related to the use of the Application must be acted upon within three months after the cause of action accrues failing which such cause of action will be permanently barred;
    • users of the Application who are broking clients of ASL shall continue to be governed by the terms and conditions of their Member Client Agreement and the Rules, Regulations, Bye-Laws, guidelines and circulars of the Regulator and the concerned Stock Exchanges and the terms herein shall apply additionally to the use of the Application;
  19. Disclaimer of ASL:
    • The research reports ("Report"), Analytical, market views available to the user in the Application are for the personal information of the user only and are not for public distribution and should not be reproduced or redistributed by the user to any other person in any form. The information provided in the Report is from publicly available data, which ASL believes are reliable. While reasonable endeavors have been made to present reliable information/data in the Report so far as it relates to current and historical information, ASL does not guarantee their accuracy or completeness. ASL or its associates, including its directors or subsidiaries or employees shall not be in any way responsible for any loss or damage that may arise to any person from any inadvertent error in the information contained, views and opinions expressed in the Reports.
    • Past performance of any financial product should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of their future performance, and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is made regarding their future performance. Information, opinions and estimates contained in the Reports reflect a judgment and are subject to influence of various market forces and contingencies and, therefore, subject to change. ASL does not represent or warrant to give notice of any such change. The price, value of and income from any of the securities or financial instruments mentioned in this report can fall as well as rise.
    • The Report includes analysis and views of ASL’s Research Team or of third party Research Analysts. The Report is purely for information purposes and does not construe to be investment recommendation/advice or an offer or solicitation of an offer to buy/sell any securities.
    • User should not solely rely on the information contained in the Reports and must make investment decisions based on their own investment objectives, judgment, risk profile and financial position. User of the Report may take professional advice before acting on this information. ASL accepts no responsibility or liability for the financial consequences of the investment decisions of the User.
    • ASL’s Research Team prepares the Reports independently and objectively, without any conflict of interest as between the stakeholder entities interested in the securities/financial products vis-à-vis the investors and without receiving any compensation or other benefits from such entities or from a third-party entity in connection with the preparation of the Report. No Member of ASL’s Research Team is an officer, director or employee of stakeholder entities, nor having any financial interest therein or engaged in market-making activity for them.
    • No material disciplinary action has been taken against ASL by any regulatory authority adversely impacting its Research Analysis.


Pursuant to SEBI circular dated 27th August, 2010 ASL offers to facilitate trading through Mobile Phone, that have / use Internet Protocol (IP), (hereinafter referred to as “Mobile Trading System/Service”) for carrying out transaction in securities through Exchange approved software whereby the Client can route his/her/its orders to ASL over the Mobile Phone for purchasing, selling and dealing in securities and the Client desires to avail of the Mobile Trading Facility provided by ASL. The client is desirous of availing such facility and therefore understands and agrees to the following terms, conditions, risks responsibilities and liabilities associated with securities trading using mobile phones:

  1. The software required for accessing the Mobile Trading Service on the Mobile Phone is available on ASL’s Official Website, and the Client interested in using Mobile Trading Service offered by ASL agrees and undertakes to download the software from ASL's official website to his/her/its Mobile Phone and complete the sign-up formalities. Alternatively, ASL may forward the relevant website link to the Client’s mobile through SMS, and the Client, on receipt of such link, would complete the sign-up formalities. The Client also agrees and understands that it may be possible that the software required for accessing the Mobile Trading Service may not be compatible with the Client’s Mobile Phone. The client agrees and undertakes that ASL will not be responsible for any malfunctioning/failure/lack of connectivity/processing speed of the underlying mobile phone software of the client and indemnifies ASL accordingly.
  2. The Client will be provided a unique User ID and a password which will enable them to access and avail of ASL’s Mobile Trading Service. The Client is aware that the initial password is system generated and agrees and undertakes to immediately change the initial password upon receipt thereof. The Client is aware that the subsequent passwords are not known to ASL.
  3. The client shall be responsible for keeping the User ID and password confidential and secure and shall be solely responsible for all orders entered and transactions done, by any person whosoever it may be, through the Mobile Trading System using the Client’s User ID and/or password whether or not such person was authorized by the Client to do so. The Client is aware that authentication technologies and strict security measures are required for Mobile Trading through Order Routing System and undertakes to ensure that the password of the client is not revealed to any third party.The client agrees and undertakes to:
    • Keep the password totally confidential and not reveal it to any third party.
    • Choose a password that contains a mix of alphabets, numbers, and special characters, which must not be readily accessible personal data or a guessable combination of letters/numbers.
    • Commit the password to memory and not record it in any written or electronic form.
    • Not let any unauthorized person have access to their Mobile Phones or leave the Mobile Phone unattended.
    • As a measure of safety, change the password as frequently as possible.
    • In the absence of any specific request for not collecting the password, the password shall be sent to the client by courier at his/her/its own risk and consequences to the address provided by them for correspondence.
  4. The Client acknowledges that he is fully aware of and understands the risks associated with trading in securities over the Mobile Phone, including the risk of misuse and unauthorized use of his/her/its User ID and/or password by any unauthorized or third person and the risk of the Mobile Phone being lost or misplaced or hacked into and orders being unauthorizedly routed in the Clients account through the Mobile Trading System. The Client agrees that he/she/it shall be fully responsible and/or liable for any and all unauthorized use and/or misuse of his/her/its password and/or User ID and for any and all acts done by any person through the Mobile Trading System in the Clients account in any manner whatsoever.
  5. The Client shall log off from the Mobile Trading System as and when the Client ends session with the Mobile Trading System or when not using the Mobile Trading Service. The Client understands and is aware that failure to log off from the system when not in use may expose the system to access by unauthorized persons and/or misuse. All loss, liabilities, consequences accruing or arising as a result of the Client not logging off from the Mobile Trading System shall be borne by the Client.
  6. Without Prejudice the generality of the provisions in the above clauses, the Client undertakes to immediately notify ASL if the Client:
    • Discovers, notices or suspects or is of the opinion that reasonable grounds exist to suspect that unauthorized access has been gained by any persons to their User ID, password, or account.
    • Becomes aware of any loss, theft, or unauthorized use of the Mobile Phone and/or the User ID and/or password for the Mobile Trading Service as the case may be.
    • Fails to receive a message from ASL that an order or application was received and executed or receives any confirmation of an order which the Client has not placed.
    • Receives inaccurate information regarding the account balances, investment products position or transaction history or notices such other discrepancies in the account that might be attributable to unauthorized access.
    • Forgets password.
    • Discovers a security flaw in the Mobile Trading System.
    • The Client shall inform ASL full details of such unauthorized use including the date of such unauthorized use, transaction, discrepancy, or security flaw, the manner in which the User ID and/or password was used unauthorized, the transactions effected pursuant to such unauthorized use, etc., provided always that the Client shall be solely responsible and liable for the trades so executed and shall not hold ASL liable for the financial and other consequences thereof in any manner whatsoever.
  7. In any of the above events specified in Clause(Vi), the Client shall immediately change their password. However, If the Client is unable to change their password by reason of having forgotten their password or their password having been changed by a unauthorized third person or for any other reason, then the Client shall immediately request ASL in writing to discontinue old password; and thereupon ASL shall deactivate the old password and communicate to the Client a new system generated password. All provisions herein concerning password shall apply to such new password as well.
  8. Copyright: The Client agrees that the software underlying the Mobile Trading System which is required for accessing the Mobile Trading Facility are the Legal Property of ASL and the Client shall not attempt to modify, translate, disassemble, decompile or reverse engineer the software underlying the service. The permission given by ASL to the Client to use the Mobile Trading System shall not convey any proprietary / ownership rights in the above software to the client.
  9. The Client agrees that ASL shall not be liable or responsible for non-execution of the orders of the Client due to any link/system failure at the Client’s/ASL’s/Exchange’s end. The client agrees and undertakes to indemnify ASL from all losses/claims/damages arising out of these circumstances.
  10. The Client understands that detailed information of transaction may not be transmitted on a Mobile Phone and it agrees and accepts to that ASL may send the confirmation of transactions through SMS/Email or by posting such confirmation in its back-office login page.
  11. The Stock Exchange may cancel a trade suo-moto without giving any reason thereof. In the event of such cancellation, ASL shall be entitled to cancel relative contract/s with Client.
  12. ASL strongly cautions against installing any software that hacks iOS. It is also important to note that unauthorized modification of iOS is a violation of the ASL end-user software license agreement and because of this, ASL may deny any support or refuse to take any responsibility for any financial or data damage on any iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch that has installed any unauthorized software.


  1. All orders for purchase, sale, or other dealings in securities and other instructions routed through the ASL's Mobile Trading system via the Client's User ID shall be deemed to have been given by the Client. The orders and instructions and all contracts and transactions entered into pursuant thereto and the settlement thereof will be in accordance with the Exchange Provisions.
  2. ASL may from time to time impose and vary limits on the orders that the Client can place through the Mobile Trading System (including exposure limits, turnover limits, limits as to the number, value, and/or kind of securities in respect of which orders can be placed, the companies in respect of whose securities orders can be placed, etc.). The Client is aware and agrees that ASL may need to vary or reduce the limits or impose new limits urgently on the basis of the ASL's risk perception and other factors considered relevant by ASL, and ASL may be unable to inform the Client of such variation, reduction, or imposition in advance. The Client agrees that ASL shall not be responsible for such variation, reduction, or imposition or the Client's inability to route any order through the Mobile Trading System on account of any such variation, reduction, or imposition of limits. The Client understands and agrees that ASL may at any time, at its sole discretion and without prior notice, prohibit or restrict the Client's ability to place orders or trade in securities through ASL.
  3. Though orders will generally be routed to the Exchange's computer systems within a few seconds from the time the order is placed by the Client on the ASL's Mobile Trading System, the ASL shall not be liable for any delay in the execution of any order or for any resultant loss on account of the delay.
  4. The Client agrees that the ASL may, at its sole discretion, subject any order placed by a Client to manual review and entry, which may cause delays in the processing of the Client's order or may result in rejection of such order.


The Client represents and warrants to the ASL that:

  1. The Client is aware and acknowledges that trading over mobile phone involves many uncertain factors and complex hardware, software, systems, communication lines, peripherals, etc. which are susceptible to interruptions and dislocations; and ASL's Mobile Trading Service may at any time be unavailable without further notice. ASL and the Exchanges do not make any representation or warranty that the ASL's Mobile Trading Service will be available to the Client at all times without any interruption. The Client agrees that they shall not have any claim against the Exchange or the ASL on account of any suspension, interruption, non availability or malfunctioning of ASL's Mobile Trading System or Service or the Exchange's service or systems for any reason whatsoever.
  2. The Client shall abide by the Exchange Provisions and the terms of the ASL's Mobile Trading system in force from time to time.

Terms and Conditions for UPI

What is NPCI?

NPCL is an authorized payment system operator by RBI. NPCI owns and operates UPI payment system.

What is PSP bank?

PSP is the banking company authorized to act as a Payment Service Provider (PSP) under the UPI framework. PSP engages the TPAP to provide UPI services to the end-user customers.

What is TPAPs?

Third Party Application Provider (TPAP) is an entity that provides the UPI compliant app(s) to the end-user customers to facilitate UPI based payment transactions.

What is Customer’s Bank?

The Bank where the end-user customer maintains his/her account that has been linked for the purpose of debiting/crediting the payment transactions made through UPI.

Who is End User Customer?

The end-user customer is the individual who uses UPI payment facility to send and receive payments.

We hereby confirm that

  1. We ASL Broking Limited are a TPAP authorized by NPCI to facilitate payments through PSP Bank(s) namely Yes Bank. We are a service provider and we participate in UPI through the PSP Bank.
  2. We are bound by the tripartite agreement entered with the sponsor PSP Bank Yes Bank and NPCI. We are responsible for facilitating grievances / complaints resolution of the customers on-boarded on our UPI application.
  3. We shall be the first point of contact for all UPI related grievances/complaints for customers on-boarded by us. In case the complaint/grievance remains unresolved, the next level for escalation will be the PSP Bank, followed by the bank (where you maintain the account) and NPCI in the same order. After exercising these options you can approach the Banking Ombudsman and / or the Ombudsman for Digital Complaints, as the case may be.

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