Live Naisargik Agritech (India) Share Price Chart

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Naisargik Agritech (India) Performance

Days Range

Low: ₹2.09
High: ₹2.10
Previous Close ₹2.19
Open ₹2.09
Volume 6,720
Day’s Range ₹2.09 - ₹2.10
52W Range ₹0.00 - ₹2.10
Market Cap ₹1.28 Cr

Naisargik Agritech (India) Fundamentals

P/E Ratio (TTM)
P/B Ratio
Industry P/E
Debt to Equity
Dividend Yield
Book Value
Face Value

Naisargik Agritech (India) Financials

Financials data is not available for Naisargik Agritech (India). Please visit after some time.

About Naisargik Agritech (India)

Parent Organisation Indian Private
Founded 1994
Managing Director

Peer Comparison

Stocks Market Cap (cr) Market Price (₹) 52 Week Low-High (₹)
Indiabulls Enterprises Ltd ₹257.24


0.30 (2.33%)

12.75 - 13.35View Peer Comparison
PTL Enterprises Ltd ₹570.41


1.25 (2.91%)

43.3 - 44.5View Peer Comparison
Alphageo (India) Ltd ₹237.21


0.65 (-0.17%)

366.1 - 375.95View Peer Comparison
Service Care Ltd ₹74.86


2.15 (3.30%)

67.25 - 67.5View Peer Comparison
Madhav Marbles and Granites Ltd ₹37.70


0.00 (0.00)

42.2 - 43View Peer Comparison

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Naisargik Agritech (India) FAQs

What is the Share price of Naisargik Agritech (India) (NAISARG)?

Naisargik Agritech (India) (NAISARG) share price as of August 25, 2015, on BSE is Rs 2.10 (BSE).

Can I buy Naisargik Agritech (India) (NAISARG) shares?

Yes, You can buy Naisargik Agritech (India) (NAISARG) shares by opening a Demat account with Angel One.

How do I buy Naisargik Agritech (India) (NAISARG) from Angel One?

Naisargik Agritech (India) (NAISARG) share can be brought through the following modes:
  1. Direct investment: You can buy Naisargik Agritech (India) (NAISARG) shares by opening a Demat account with Angel One.
  2. Indirect investment: The indirect method involves investing through ETFs and Mutual Funds that offer exposure to Naisargik Agritech (India) (NAISARG) shares.