Today, the frontline BSE index saw massive action, where the BSE Sensex gained 1.16 % or 709.96 points over its previous close of 61,054.29. The NSE Nifty 50 closed at 18,264.40, gaining 1.08 % or 195.40 points. While a strong bull run rally was seen on Dalal street today, here are top three stocks which can see action on Tuesday.
The company today declared its annual and Q4FY23 results, it has posted a brilliant set of numbers. The quarterly revenue of the company grew by 28.18 % on a YoY basis while QoQ basis it grew by 7.17 %. The PAT of the company grew by a whopping 142.53 % on YoY basis while on QoQ basis, it grew by 13.17 %.
Canara Bank also delivered its quarterly and annual results today. For the first time the company has posted 5-digit net profit of Rs 10,604 crore for FY23. The quarterly revenue of the company stood at Rs 31,774.04 crore which grew by 33.34 % on a YoY basis while on QoQ basis, the revenue grew by 7.73 %. The quarterly PAT of the company grew by 64.18 % on a YoY basis, while on a QoQ basis it grew by 10 %. The annual operating profit of the company saw 16.94 % growth and board of the company has also declared Rs 12 per equity share.
Lakshmi Electrical Control Systems today, made a fresh 52 week high, gaining about 5 % in today’s trade. Technically fresh 52-week highs are seen as a very strong move and this also comes with an expected-up move. In the last one month, the stock of the company has given more than 25 % returns.
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