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Taxation - Angel One

New Capital gains Taxation regime – Frequently Asked Questions

New Capital gains Taxation regime – Frequently Asked Questions

26 July 2024

The Finance (No.2) Bill, 2024, has introduced significant changes to the taxation of capital gains, aimed at simplifying and rationalising the system. The new provisions, effective from July 23, 2024, streamlined holding periods, reduce tax rates, eliminate indexation, and maintain roll-over benefits.  Frequently Asked Questions Q1. What are the major changes brought about in the …

How you can save Rs 17,500 in New Tax Regime for FY 2024-25

How you can save Rs 17,500 in New Tax Regime for FY 2024-25

26 July 2024

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced changes aimed at benefiting the middle class in the Union Budget for 2024-25. The standard deduction has been increased from Rs 50,000 to Rs 75,000 under the New Tax Regime (NTR), and the tax slabs have been slightly adjusted. These changes will provide individual taxpayers with up to Rs 17,500 …

Curious About the 2024 Budget? Discover the Expected Tax and Sector Highlights!

Curious About the 2024 Budget? Discover the Expected Tax and Sector Highlights!

15 July 2024

As July 23rd approaches, there is a mix of excitement and anticipation regarding the possible allocations in the Union Budget announcement by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. Will people receive any tax relief in the upcoming budget? Which industries will be given the largest share of funding? Before delving into these queries, let’s quickly review the …

इनकम टैक्स विभाग ने शुरू की नई विशेष सुविधा, E-Filing पोर्टल पर जोड़ा नया फीचर

इनकम टैक्स विभाग ने शुरू की नई विशेष सुविधा, E-Filing पोर्टल पर जोड़ा नया फीचर

24 June 2024

परिचय इनकम टैक्स विभाग ने हाल ही में करदाताओं के लिए एक नई विशेष सुविधा शुरू की है। आइए नज़र डालते हैं क्या है यह नई सुविधा और इससे आप जैसे करदाताओं को क्या लाभ मिलेगा। इनकम टैक्स विभाग की नई सुविधा इनकम टैक्स विभाग ने हाल ही में एक नई सुविधा शुरू की है …

India’s Direct Tax Collections Show Robust Growth in FY 2024-25

India’s Direct Tax Collections Show Robust Growth in FY 2024-25

19 June 2024

India’s Ministry of Finance has released provisional figures for direct tax collections in the first quarter of the current financial year (FY) 2024-25, painting a positive picture of the country’s economic performance. Both net and gross collections have witnessed significant growth compared to the corresponding period in FY 2023-24. Net Collections Surge Over 20% Net …

Tax-Loss Harvesting with Mutual Funds: Strategies for 2024

Tax-Loss Harvesting with Mutual Funds: Strategies for 2024

18 June 2024

Mutual funds in India can do more than merely help you achieve your financial goals. When used strategically, mutual funds investments can also help you reduce your overall tax liability through tax-loss harvesting. In this article, we examine what tax-loss harvesting is and how mutual funds can play a crucial role in this strategic tax …

Filing Your Income Tax in 2024? Here’s Everything You Need To Know

Filing Your Income Tax in 2024? Here’s Everything You Need To Know

7 May 2024

As the tax filing season approaches, many individuals grapple with the complexities of income tax. Whether you’re a first-time taxpayer or a seasoned filer, understanding the basics of income tax is essential for compliance and financial planning. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of income tax, covering everything from key terms to …

नए टैक्स नियम के बाद 2024 में टैक्स बचाने के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ निवेश विकल्प?

नए टैक्स नियम के बाद 2024 में टैक्स बचाने के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ निवेश विकल्प?

2 May 2024

समय पर सही मात्रा में कर का भुगतान करना प्रत्येक नागरिक की जिम्मेदारी है। करों से सरकार को बुनियादी ढांचे, सरकारी योजनाएं, सामाजिक विकास और अन्य सरकारी खर्चों को चलाने और बनाए रखने में मदद मिलती है। लेकिन, आपके लिए यह जानना जरूरी है कि आपकी सही टैक्स दायित्व क्या है। चूंकि टैक्स आपकी सालाना …

World Health Day 2024: Maximising Health and Wealth

World Health Day 2024: Maximising Health and Wealth

5 April 2024

World Health Day is celebrated on April 7th each year to mark the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948 and to draw attention to global health issues. The day serves as an opportunity to focus worldwide attention on important aspects of global health, where each year, WHO selects a theme that highlights …

The Resilience of The Indian Economy: A Closer Look at GST’s Role

The Resilience of The Indian Economy: A Closer Look at GST’s Role

3 April 2024

In the midst of global economic uncertainty, the Indian economy stands as a beacon of resilience, weathering challenges with remarkable strength. Over the past few years, India has undergone a journey marked by a range of significant events and developments. The nation grappled with the unprecedented challenges brought forth by the COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted …

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