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Tata Motors Ltd FAQs
What is the share price of Tata Motors Ltd (TATAMOTORS) shares?
Tata Motors Ltd (TATAMOTORS) share price as of January 23, 2025, on NSE is Rs 752.5 (NSE) and Rs 752.5 (BSE) on BSE.
Can I buy Tata Motors Ltd (TATAMOTORS) from Angel One?
Yes, You can buy Tata Motors Ltd (TATAMOTORS) shares by opening a Demat account with Angel One.
How do I buy Tata Motors Ltd (TATAMOTORS) from Angel One?
Tata Motors Ltd (TATAMOTORS) share can be bought through the following modes:
1. Direct investment: You can buy Tata Motors Ltd (TATAMOTORS) shares by opening a Demat account with Angel One.
2. Indirect investment: The indirect method involves investing through ETFs and Mutual Funds that offer exposure to Tata Motors Ltd (TATAMOTORS) shares.
1. Direct investment: You can buy Tata Motors Ltd (TATAMOTORS) shares by opening a Demat account with Angel One.
2. Indirect investment: The indirect method involves investing through ETFs and Mutual Funds that offer exposure to Tata Motors Ltd (TATAMOTORS) shares.
What is the main business of Tata Motors?
The Tata Group includes the global Indian automobile manufacturer Tata Motors Limited, which has its headquarters in Mumbai. The firm manufactures passenger vehicles, trucks, vans, buses, coaches, luxury, and sports automobiles.
Who are the promoters of Tata Motors?
Tata Sons Private Limited (43.73%) and Tata Industries Limited (2.17%) are some of the biggest promoters of Tata Motors.
What are the Brands that comes under Tata Motors?
Brands that comes under Tata Motors are Jaguar Land Rover Automotive Plc, Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Ltd, Tata Passenger Electric Mobility Ltd, Tata Motors European Technical Centre PLC, Tata Motors Insurance Broking and Advisory Services Limited, TMF Holdings Limited, TML Distribution Company Limited, TRILIX Srl, Tata Technologies Limited, Tata Marcopolo Motors Limited (TMML), TML Holdings Pte. Limited and Tata Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Company Limited.
Is Jaguar & Land Rover an Indian company?
Yes, In 2008 Jaguar & Land Rover was brought by Tata Motors from Ford.