

Time Value of Money and Compounding: Meaning and Examples



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Welcome to the exciting world of money. Here, we will talk about money - how you can invest it, grow it, and use stock markets to meet your financial goals. 

Are you often overwhelmed by terms like investments and the stock market? Do you wonder if you can reap stellar returns without jeopardising your existing wealth? 

If your answer to any of these questions is yes, you are at the right place.

Whether you're a seasoned investor or just dipping your toes into the vast ocean of financial planning, this course is designed to be your guide through the complexities of modern investing. Our aim is not just to inform but to empower you with the knowledge that can transform your approach to managing wealth.

We'll start by laying the foundation – understanding the basic principles and jargon, and then steadily build up to more advanced concepts. Through this journey, we will strive to equip you with the tools and confidence needed to navigate the dynamic tides of the stock market.

With that goal in mind, we’ll now dive into our first chapter, where we explore the key concepts that may help you understand why we invest and what happens to your money with time.

We’re going to talk about the Time Value of Money (TVM) and the Compounding Power of Money, concepts fundamental to investing.

Imagine this: you're given a choice between receiving ₹2,000 now or the same amount a year later. Intuitively, you might lean towards the immediate gain. While instant gratification is a great feeling, there's an added advantage to this, called the cost of opportunity. It's not just about the amount; it's about the opportunity it presents. You could invest it, grow it, or simply enjoy the benefits of its current value, which might be eroded by inflation over time. 

Now, let's explore the magic of compounding, a phenomenon akin to a snowball rolling down a snowy hill, growing larger and gaining momentum with every roll. This phenomenon has a name in the financial world - the magic of compounding. It simply means your investments earn returns, and these returns earn more returns. It's a cycle of growth that can turn modest savings into substantial wealth over time, especially in long-term investments like retirement planning through Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs).

By the end of this guide, you’ll be well-placed to understand the primary purpose of investing. With that, let's begin this enlightening journey and discover how you can make your financial resources work best for you.

Understanding the Time Value of Money (TVM)

Let’s go back to our first instance. Given an option, you would likely want to have ₹2,000 in your hand right now rather than wait a year to get the same amount. That's what TVM is all about. It's the idea that the money you have right now is worth more than the same amount you'd get in the future. Why?

When money lands in your hands sooner rather than later, it's like finding a seed you can immediately plant. This seed, when nurtured in the fertile soil of smart investments, has the potential to grow, bloom, and bear fruit much sooner than one planted later. This very essence of early investment is fundamental in various financial landscapes, highlighting how crucial timing is in shaping your financial garden.

In other words, if you have money today, you can use it to earn more money, buy things before they become more expensive (due to inflation - a concept we will explore later), and avoid the risk of not getting the money later. Further, future financial promises carry uncertainties. Today's money is devoid of such risks.

Calculating TVM

To unravel this concept, let's delve into some calculations. The calculation for TVM takes in the following values – the present value of money (PV), future value (FV), interest rate (i), compounding periods per year (n), and the investment tenure (t). Simply plug your values in the formula below and get to know the future value of your money: 

To predict the future worth of your money:

FV = PV x [ 1 + (i / n) ] ^ (n x t)

To understand today's value of future money:

PV = FV / [ 1 + (i / n) ] ^ (n x t)

Now, let’s look at another important phenomenon - compounding power.

What is Compounding?

Think of compounding like a snowball rolling down a hill. You start with a small snowball (your initial investment), and as it rolls down, it gets bigger because it picks up more snow (your investment earns interest). The longer it rolls, the bigger it gets. That's your money growing over time because of compounding. So cool, did you feel the chill?

The Compounding Effect

The beauty of compounding is that it's not just about how much money you start with. It's about how the interest you earn on your investment starts earning its own interest. Over time, this can lead to your investment growing into a very large corpus.

Examples of Compounding Effect

Here are some examples for you to understand the compounding effect better by seeing it in action:

  1. Fixed Deposits: Say you put ₹100 in a fixed deposit with a 6% per annum interest rate. After a year, you've got ₹6 as interest. Instead of taking it out, you leave it in, and now your interest for the next year is calculated at ₹106, not the initial amount ₹100.
  2. Mutual Funds: Imagine you invest ₹2,00,000 in a mutual fund with a 10% return rate. In 5 years, this could grow to about ₹3,22,102. That growth is all thanks to compounding.
  3. Retirement Planning with SIPs: If one person starts investing ₹2,000 per month at 30 and another starts with ₹4,000 per month at 45, the first person will usually end up with a lot more by the time both reach 60. This is because the first person’s money had more time to grow through compounding.

In each of these scenarios, the compounding effect teaches a valuable lesson: starting early, staying consistent, and being patient can lead to substantial growth in your investments over time.

How To Invest in Mutual Funds on Angel One?

  1. Open the Angel One app. On the Home page, go to ‘Mutual Funds’.
  2. Choose the Mutual Fund that you want to invest in from the various lists provided on the Mutual Fund portal.
  3. Choose whether you want to invest via lump sum or SIP mode.
  4. Enter the amount that you want to invest.
  5. Click on the payment button to complete the payment and start your investment.

Key Rules for Leveraging Compounding

To make the most of compounding:

  • Start early: The sooner you start, the more time your money has to grow.
  • Stay regular: Keep investing consistently.
  • Be patient: Compounding takes time to show its full effect.

Remember, the key to growing your wealth is not just saving money but investing it wisely and giving it time to grow.

As you can see, the power of compounding is a crucial element in wealth creation, emphasising the importance of starting early, staying invested, and choosing investments wisely. Whether through one product or many, understanding and utilising the compounding effect can lead to substantial growth in investments over the long term.

Real-World Application of Compounding Power

You know, understanding compounding isn't just for textbooks – it’s super useful in real life, too, especially with things like saving for retirement or managing your investments. Let us give you a few everyday examples to show you what we mean:

  • Growing Your Savings with Fixed Deposits: Imagine you put ₹10,000 in a fixed deposit at a 9% per annum interest rate. In 5 years, it grew to ₹15,386. That’s not just your interest; it’s interest on top of interest – the heart of compounding!
  • Understanding Your Home Loan: If you have a ₹50 lakh home loan at 10% interest for 20 years, your monthly payment (EMI) comes to about ₹48,000. Here, compounding helps you figure out the true cost of your loan over time, including all that interest.
  • Planning for Future Goals: Let’s say you want ₹15,386 in 5 years, and the bank's giving 9% per annum interest. How much should you start with? Just ₹10,000 now, thanks to compounding.

Importance of Investing

Investing is not just about stashing your cash. It is about making your money move, dance, and grow in tune with your dreams. It's about researching, understanding, and making choices that align with your financial goals. 

Remember, regardless of the size of your paycheck, prioritising savings and then expenditures can ensure you always have a seed to plant. Wise investments today can lead to substantial growth in your financial portfolio over time.


Getting a grip on the Time Value of Money and compounding can really change how you make financial decisions. It's all about using what you have now to create a stable, prosperous future. As we move to the next chapter, "Savings vs Investing: Why and When Should You Invest?", we'll explore how to balance saving with smart investing to make the most of your finances.

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